Tuesday, 10 January 2012

10 interesting facts about facebook

  • Can you imagine a country that bans facbook? Certainly not guys, as in why would a country ban facebook. Country Syria has banned facebook as it is against the promotion of their religion and war campaign.
  • Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg is the world’s youngest billionaire having worth of 12.5 billion dollars almost.
  • Psychologists have introduced a disease called FAD (Facebook Addiction Disorder) and I guess everybody is suffering from that.
  • Facebook doesn’t accept strange sounding names like Leboe’ or Allien, they can have their facebook accounts deleted without any explanation.

  • This one is interesting, let us say facebook doesn’t like Breastfeeding mothers, because if any mother uploads a picture of breastfeeding their babies, the account is deleted for sure!
  • It is said that facebook users are 85% college students and around 70% of them log in everyday.
  • More than 30 million users update their status at least once a day.
  • among 13 people 1 has always a facebook account and more than 500 million people use facebook till today. And each user has almost 130 friends at an average.
  • Around 333,333,333 photos are uploaded daily on facebook to share them with your family and friends.
  • Now this one is really interesting! More than 60% men and women have used facebook to stalk their ex! Because you cannot be caught that you are following and you will not be suffering any humiliation


CG Circulars & Tools on 10 January 2012 at 16:04 said...

it was a interesting fact

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